Monday, February 9, 2009

Resolution Update

After going public with my New Year's resolutions this year, I decided to post an update every now and then, as a way to force myself to be honest about my progress. It's so easy to talk myself out of my goals, but in the end that only leaves me frustrated with my own laziness and lack of motivation. So... here's the update.

1. Read through the Bible chronologically.

I'm glad to say this resolution is going well. The schedule means reading 2-3 chapters a day, and I'm right on schedule. The early books of the Bible, Genesis and Exodus, are pretty easy reads. The stories are familiar, although reading through them reveals some subtle sub-plots and asides that I don't remember from my Sunday School days.

I admit that my personal devotion habit has not been consistent, and one of the things I hope to accomplish with this goal is to create a pattern of daily reading that becomes second nature. However, a group of us from church is doing this together and we met yesterday to talk about how it's going. There I learned that I need to challenge myself more to think critically about what I'm reading and ask myself more often some questions that can bring greater meaning to the process. For example,
~ What does a particular story teach me about God?
~ What am I learning about myself as I read through scripture?
Using these questions to dig a little deeper is going to influence my reading in the next couple of weeks until we meet again.

2. Finish grad school.

I'm showing up for class, I'm studying, and my head hurts occasionally from trying to absorb it all. So far, so good!

3. Lose 30 (+/-) pounds.

Ugh. I've only lost 2.4 pounds so far, and since I had gained 5 pounds over Christmas, it's hard not to think that I still haven't even overcome that little setback yet. But I just keep eating my veggies every day and trying to work at it. Speaking of which... time to wrap up this post and head for the gym!

Originally posted at:

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