Thursday, June 5, 2008

Imposing on Grace

If there is one thing I count on in my faith, it is God's grace. His infinite, patient, deep, broad, ever-present, unimaginable grace. But this week, I wondered: do I depend on it too much? Take it too much for granted?

My Bible study group has recently finished reading and discussing Galatians, and a main point in this letter is that our salvation is by grace alone, and does not depend on our own actions (works.) At our last discussion, we were asked to consider what the most life-changing thing we'd learned was. For whatever reason, the idea of imposing on grace too much came into my mind.

I do not fear that I could exceed the limits of God's grace, but rather it made me think about those stubborn moments when I know what the right thing is, but I choose the wrong thing anyway. Paul sympathized in Romans 7:19... "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing."

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