Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday: Saint who?

St. Valentine's Day is not a day where your average single girl is predisposed to being thankful. Normally, single women everywhere bemoan the lack of a significant other in their lives to send (overpriced) flowers, take them out to dinner (at a crowded restaurant) and buy them a sparkly gift (if they are VERY lucky) on this so-called "holiday."

This attitude conveniently ignores the fact that good shares of men only remember Valentine's Day at the prompting of their significant other (subtle or by two-by-four) and never know what to buy anyway. This explains romantic gifts like blenders and dustbusters. (Men: the answer to your gift dilemma is SPARKLY. One can rarely go wrong if the gift arrives in a small velvet box!)

OK, so I'm choosing to remember a few of the reasons why I enjoy being single:

- no explanation of any kind required if I buy a new pair of shoes (even if they are black and almost like that other pair....)
- no agonizing over the perfect gift for someone else
- having the whole box of chocolates to myself (especially if it's dark chocolate!)
- almost guaranteed to be a good chick flick on TV tonight
- which I can enjoy while wearing my favorite flannel PJ's and hoodie sweatshirt (I can already smell the popcorn... Mmmmm.)

Don't get me wrong, I would welcome the day I'm swept off my feet... (Prince Charming, my schedule is open tomorrow or next Tuesday) but in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the fun benefits of being a single girl!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Wish I could join you for that chick flick! At our house, we're choosing to celebrate ALL the people we love today - our Auntie Rebo is definitely at the top of the list. Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Hey - Where have you been :-). I miss reading your blog posts!!!! Come back Rebecca!!!!!
